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Get the knowledge and inspiration you need to run your field service business better.
For more than 35 years, Kiloutou has been working with construction professionals on all their projects. Kiloutou’s experience and mastery have allowed the development of the most complete equipment park on the market, and the best services and advice to accompany their customers.
Learn more →Brinks
The vision of Brinks is to be the most respected worldwide leader in security solutions. One of its activities is to install and maintain access, security and alarm systems for banks, supermarkets, warehouses, and owners of large estates.
Learn more →Equans
We’re talking about thousands of houses here. For the whole of our 3 regions, we’re talking about 50,000 houses. Which means we have 50,000 customers who can call us.
Learn more →Veolia
Veolia Water is a reliable, driven-by technology supplier of products and services for the purification of process water and wastewater.
Learn more →Romass
ROMASS repairs and maintains garage doors of all makes and models, whether it’s for companies or private individuals. This service is performed by ROMASS’s technicians – a conscious decision that enables them to offer a high-quality service.
Learn more →Sauter Controls
For more than 100 years, the globally active SAUTER Group, with its headquarters and a development, logistics, and marketing site in Basel (Switzerland) as well as a production site in Freiburg (Germany), has provided products, expertise, and solutions for building management and room automation over the entire building life cycle.
Learn more →220+ Companies Trust Wello Solutions Worldwide
Save time and minimize risk with the all-in-one tool for creating, managing, Repair jobs, maintenance, dispatch, and workshop activities in real time. Get started with Wello Solutions today