For more than 35 years, Kiloutou has been working with construction professionals on all their projects. Kiloutou’s experience and mastery have allowed the development of the most complete equipment park on the market, and the best services and advice to accompany their customers. 

In the past 5 years, Kiloutou, originally based in France, started a fast-paced European expansion. Starting in Italy and Poland, to continue in Germany and finally Spain. This expansion also brought new challenges. The group now has to manage the service processes of some 700 technicians over 5 countries organized in dozens of agencies per country. In this highly regulated professional rental market, where quality and safety are extremely important, it became obvious that a single solution able to manage all the service processes would be a huge advantage.

Kiloutou is a rental company that operates maintenance and repair services on-site and in the workshop. Wello Solutions is a solution that integrates both flows into one solution.

Guillaume Cogneau

The search for such a single Field Service Management solution that could be implemented in all those countries began.  It had to be a multi-lingual solution for both users as well as customers.

The solution needed also to be flexible. When professional equipment is rented to one customer, strict regulation applies to determine if the equipment is safe to be rented to the next customer. Each country has its regulations and attention points. To guarantee this, clear and automated work instructions have to be implemented and everything needs to be documented accordingly. This work history has to be stored for many years as well.

But most importantly, the solution had to be able to schedule both on-site jobs as well as workshop jobs. Both flows rely on a completely different scheduling or planning scheme.

To make it more complex, every country is organized into several agencies or shops. Equipment often moves to other shops to be available to customers in that area and technicians as well may go to other shops either to give a helping hand or because they are highly specialized and certified to maintain or repair certain types of equipment.

Wello Solutions answered most of the Kiloutou issues. The hundreds of checklists could be easily imported using Excel files. The way these checklists are managed allows the Service and safety managers to easily update any checklist whenever required. Depending on the use case, checklists are automatically generated and added to the work order. This happens even when the technician creates a work order on the mobile app.

And finally, every checklist can be searched and easily sent to third parties requiring those documents. For us, the customer portal is not so useful, but the strong document search engine to search for anything whenever a third party or official inspection instance requires it is a time saver. In the past, we had to dive into piles of paper to find such a document.

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