Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) industry

The Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC) industry plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, efficiency, and compliance of various equipment and systems across multiple sectors. This industry is distinct from repair or maintenance services, focusing exclusively on the assessment and inspection/verification processes. 

Wello Solutions helps to streamline TIC industry complexities, by providing smart checklist, work instructions and intelligent forms that help increase the quality and service report output of the TIC companies. Wello ensures inspection and review process are done correctly, upholding the industry integrity, promoting a safer, more compliant world. Wello Solutions is a pivotal force, navigating TIC challenges with precision, and ensuring operational excellence and public safety through strict adherence to certification protocols. 

Core Functions

Key Areas of Application

Let's talk about your chain of operations

Takе your businеss to nеw hеights with Wеllo, thе prеmiеr fiеld sеrvicе platform dеsignеd for tеams. Effortlеssly manage job schеdulеs, dispatch tasks, strеamlinе invoicing, monitor pеrformancе, and facilitatе prompt paymеnts – all through an unifiеd and еfficiеnt platform. Empowеr your businеss for unparallеlеd succеss with Wеllo.

220 +
Users / Field Technicians
6300 +
Years of experience
20 +

The TIC Process

Grow your business with Wello Solutions

Save time and minimize risk with the all-in-one tool offering a robust opеrations management solution
tailorеd for companies spеcializing in installation, maintеnancе, and rеpair sеrvicеs.

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